February 12, 2019


TO:              All Parents/Guardians


FROM:         Eric Bonniksen, Superintendent


SUBJECT:     Social Studies Curriculum Adoption


Markham School has been piloting selected Social Studies materials, evaluating each program. 


The decision made by staff is to pilot:


  • Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (TCI)
  • 6-8 History Alive Collection


A part of the process is to give parents and community an opportunity to review materials and give input to the final decision.  The materials will be on preview at the District Office beginning February 12, 2019 through March 13, 2019.  Parents and community are invited to preview materials and fill out an evaluation form with their comments. 


Please come by the District Office, 1032 Thompson Way, Placerville, if you are interested in previewing the materials during our regular office hours of 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

For the downloadable version of this letter click HERE