Back to School Information

Click here for a copy of the welcome letter and Aeries portal information (English | EspaƱol)

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. Our first day of school is on Thursday August 15th. We strive to provide the best education and services to your child and the families we serve. We love working with our parents and, most importantly, our students to make our school the best it can be. Safety, education, and service are our main priorities and doing what is best for all of our children.

Important Information:

ā–ŗ Back to School Night - This year, Back-to-School Night is scheduled for the night before school on Wednesday, August 14th

ā–ŗ Food will be available at 4:45 pm in the back of the gym

ā–ŗ 5:30 pm to 6:10 pm - Parents visiting classrooms for TK to 2nd Grade

ā–ŗ 6:10 pm to 6:25 pm - Principal's Presentation in the Multipurpose Room/Gymnasium

ā–ŗ 6:25 pm to 7:05 pm - Parents visiting classrooms for 3rd to 5th Grade

This is a very important event, please plan to attend. We very much look forward to seeing you!!! Food will be available for purchasing.

ā–ŗ Class Assignment for your child can be found using the Aeries Parent Portal. Please see additional information at the end of this letter regarding "login information". First Day of School begins at exactly 9:00 am on Thursday, August 15th.

A reminder that "Before School Supervision" begins at 8:30 a.m. If you need to have your child at school prior to 8:30 a.m. or after our 3:10 p.m. dismissal time. they will need to be enrolled in the Extended Day program. You may contact them directly at 530-295-2298.

ā–ŗ School Hours - Daily our school opens with supervision at 8:30 am, allowing students to have breakfast before the first bell rings.
Every Monday (early dismissal time) school starts at 9:00 am and ends at 2:00 pm. From Tuesday to Friday, school starts at 9:00 am and ends at 3:10 pm. ***Please ensure that your child comes to school on time***

ā–ŗ Transportation - The Placerville Transportation Department may be phoned at 530-622-6244 ext. 6612. The schedule of bus stops and routes will be available at the PUSD website:

ā–ŗ Pickup by Personal Vehicles - At 3:10 p.m., Transitional-Kindergarten through 5th grade students are excused to the pickup area (sidewalk by the parking lot) to await their ride home. Parents who choose to walk onto campus to retrieve their child are required to wait in the "Parent Waiting Area" between the off ice and the multipurpose room.

ā–ŗ Buses - At approximately 3:10 p.m. school buses arrive at the pickup area. Please have written instructions for your child's teacher on how they will get home after school.

ā–ŗ Breakfast & Lunch - Schnell School has qualified for a federal program titled Community Eligibility Provision. What this program allows is that all students eat breakfast and lunch at no cost. Breakfast is served daily from 8:30 am to 9:00 am.

ā–ŗ Attendance - The school highly encourages prompt and regular attendance so your child's learning can proceed smoothly. A written note or a voicemail message stating the date and reason(s) for the absence is required and deeply appreciated by teachers and the office staff. Since students are dismissed at 2:00 p.m. every Monday, we recommend using this time to schedule student medical and dental appointments.

ā–ŗ Behavior Standards - Our teachers and staff members continually address appropriate behavior for the school setting. Our Behavior policy can be summarized as: Show Respect. Be Safe and Be Responsible. We know children will occasionally make mistakes despite the efforts of kind and loving homes and schools. We believe that mistakes are part of the learning and growing process. Of course, with mistakes come consequences and an understanding that we must continually strive to be respectful, responsible, caring and kind. By working together and being mutually supportive, parents and the school staff can help students improve school behavior and get the most from the educational opportunities offered. More about behavior standards and discipline matters can be found in the student/parent handbook.

ā–ŗ Parent Volunteers are welcome to our school and classrooms. There are many opportunities to become involved. Begin planning now by stopping by the office for a fingerprinting form. Fingerprinting service will be on site at Back to School Night for a $20 - $30 fee.

Aeries Parent Portal: Verifying Your Child's Information Online

For online verification for student information. Please complete the following:

  • If you have not already done so, please create an Aeries Online Parent Portal account.

  • Please go to your child's account to verify that all of your child's information, including medical information is correct. Print out the Required Document Packet and sign and date. Return the signed Packet on Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, at Back to School Night or on the first day of school.

  • Once you verify your child's information you will be able to see who your child's teacher is for the new school year. Computers and printers for parent use will be available at Open House.

I look forward to meeting you, if you are new to Schnell, and working with all of you in the coming year. The outstanding support that we receive from our families is a significant, necessary and welcome resource for us and historically has played a large part in the success of Schnell School. See you very soon!


John Baker
Principal, Louisiana Schnell Elementary School