Arne Johnson - Events I have been attending

Recent Events I have attended

Here are some end of the year events that I have attended. I went to Schnell, Markham, and Sierra's Open Houses. I was very impressed with the quality of work of the students and staff. All three sites had a wonderful turnout of students and their families. The students were very excited to share their work and what they have learned throughout the year.

I went to the talent show at Schnell, RC car time trials and race at Sierra, and water bottle rocket launch at Markam. All three events were very fun to watch. The students were very enthusiastic and had a great time watching and participating.

I helped cook and clean up at our district picnic. We celebrated the retirement of several members of our PUSD family. We appreciate their dedication and service to our students and district. They will be missed.

The last few things I participated in was the clap out for the 5th grade students at Sierra. This is always an emotional time for students and staff as they say goodbye and move on to Markham, our middle school. Later that day, I attended our eight grade graduation. The students were excited and a little scared to be moving on to high school. It was wonderful to be a part of this and we wish them the best in their next journey in life. We are proud of what they have accomplished and will miss them.