There has been a lot of talk and questions about the upcoming solar eclipse, Monday, August 21.
We will have a normal school day on Solar Eclipse Monday. Teachers will be reviewing sun viewing safety with their classes and we ask that you discuss this with your students at home as well.
It is important that all of our students know not to look directly at the sun during this or any time. The visible light during the eclipse still includes damaging UV light and regular sunglasses will not protect their eyes.
Special glasses with the ISO code 12312-2 filter out about a 1000x more radiation and are the only safe way to view the sun. You may wish to send your child with the special glasses if you have purchased them.
Select classes have lesson plans about the sun and moon and are making pinhole viewers to safely view the eclipse; however, students will also be out of class for recess during the eclipse. Please remind your students about the importance of not looking directly at the eclipse. Keeping our Dragons safe is our number one priority and we appreciate your help by discussing this at home. Thank You!

Kindergarten lists are posted on the windows of the staff room. Come see who your teacher is. See you Monday at 8:45!

Yesterday we were "ready" for kindergarten, today we are "set" for kindergarten, and Monday we are a"go!"

Thank you Walmart for your generous donation to our Family Resource Center.

Terrific first day at Schnell School. Lots of smiling kids and excitement. We are off to a great start!!!

Tomorrow is TK & Kinder Round Up!Come to school at 12PM to meet your teachers,tour your school,meet Team Sierra and get your questions answered.TK in rm20 & Kindergarten in the MP room.See you at 12!

Having fun at the back to school breakfast.